Ways to propose to a man - 3 tips for Sizzling say yes!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Often it is not that women are looking for ways to bring a man. After all, it is usually the man who takes the initiative. However, things can change a lot of fun.

A woman who wants to find the possibility of bringing a man to take a different route. You can not just kneel on his knees, right? To help with your proposal to go, here are some ideas that can be drawn from frying.

Diamond Channel-Set

Ways to a first, a man #: hisStomach

It is said that the way to get through a man's heart is through his stomach. Are you a good cook or a baker's brilliant, then you've got it in the basket.

Why not try your guy a special meal? At some point during or after dessert, you can tell him how much I love him and how much you look forward to spending the rest of your lives together. If he responds positively, then you can slip in your proposal.

2 ways to bring a man #: ATreasure Hunt

Leave your boyfriend in search of treasure may very exciting for him. You can leave little notes here and there, which eventually leads him.

Your notes could also say that you love him, and that two reasons are a perfect match. The last note may contain the crucial question "do me the honor of my husband?"

Opportunities, 3 against, a man #: Write a short story

If you have a gift for writing, we can expressTheir feelings through a short history. Find inspiration in a tale well-known fashion and, after the two of you.

However, the extension can do with your proposal. He would certainly be surprised, but the tension built as he can say "no?"

There are many ways to propose to a man. Although not quite common, the gesture is not as unpopular as you think. If he really loves you, this will not be the first step.

Ways to propose to a man - 3 tips for Sizzling say yes!


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