Your Diamond Engagement Ring - Diamond Engagement Ring History

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

As if true love is not hard to find enough now to know the traditions that come with the decision to marry worry! Like it or not, there is a degree of ritual involved and your commitment or wedding ring is an important part of it.

An engagement ring is a traditional character. It 'an offer made and accepted and is one of the defining symbols of your relationship.

Diamond Channel-Set

And 'one of the few things you have in common onlyinfluenced by your feelings for each other. In fact, in some cultures, your engagement ring is your wedding ring.

You already know that in the west of the left hand is a ring led to the fourth finger, but you know why?

Well, according to legend, this contains the magic fingers vena amoris or "vein of love" - ​​a vein that runs from that finger directly to the heart. Now, while this may seem more of a Latin sound overly romanticized taleStrangely, the ancient Egyptians had carried out a similar theory through a vein, the true love of the heart, which also runs from the fourth finger of his left hand!

For those who are less romantic and more practical, the problem of a ring is a relatively new phenomenon. Although often in ancient Rome, before the 19th Century, western wedding gifts to be offered another - like a silver thimble promise as a commitment. The engagement ring diamond does not even function until1930!

As an engagement ring should cost?

Traditionally, the ring was not only a symbol of love and to represent the ability of people to financial assistance for his wife. Remember, those were the days when the man went to work and the wife stayed home and took care of his house and children, was able to earn enough to support his family. A rule of thumb, the ring should be the equivalent of two months costsWages.

So who buys it?

In the 20th century it was traditional for the groom to buy the ring in secret and it is his love when he proposed. We all know that the stories of so many proposals heard and shuddered at the open romantic stories of extravagant proposals that went disastrously wrong!

In the 21st century, the magic is still in the proposal, but since the majority of couples live together and the bank buying the ring is an increasingly commonProcess. She gets the ring and loves to wear that has a price that you can cope with both.

Where to buy an engagement ring.

While your traditional jewelry stores are still very popular thanks to huge improvements in the quality and incredible technology diamond ring that lets you design and you will get your own unique diamond buying diamond engagement ring online is becoming very popular, safe and affordableeffective way for discerning buyers.

Your Diamond Engagement Ring - Diamond Engagement Ring History


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