The Radiant Cut Diamond - A Stone hybrid with unsurpassed brilliance

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The radiant cut diamond is a form of beautiful and surprising, which offers both a unique brilliance and classic style. A mixture of two styles of cutting, this stone is ideal for those who love the fire of a round brilliant but looking for a geometric shape. If you want the best of both worlds, that's what you know about this gem hybrid.

The fusion
The radiant cut is a modification of the shape of emerald, developed and patented by Henry MarksGrossbard Radiant Cut Diamond Company. (RCDC) Like a knife had cut diamonds teacher for 30 years before the invention of the gem that has made his legacy. It was in the early 1970s, such as emerald cuts lost their luster, probably because it lacked the sparkle of round brilliant stones. However, Mr Grossbard always loved the elegant shape of the emerald cut and wanted a new section that the shape of the building maintained, but enhanced with the brilliance of people expectedtheir diamonds. In 1977 he achieved his dream world with the introduction of the brilliant cut diamond. In 2002 he began the RCDC Original Radiant Cut Diamond brand, and since then all the diamonds weighing at least 0.70 carat, and came with a certificate, including the "Original Radiant Cut Certificate ensures that the stone struck the ideal proportions as designed by Henry Grossbard. Today, this stone, the most brilliant cut square or rectangular, depending ondesigned.

Diamond Channel-Set

Key Features
A rock-shaped brilliant is essentially a combination of emerald and diamond cuts. This is usually with 62 facets, 25 on the crown, 8 and 29 on the belt on the roof, although it may also contain 70 facets, with an additional eight on the pavilion. Trimmed corners of the signing of this stone, and can be determined by him only the dull square or rectangular in shape at times. cut right, you must create a bright triangular facetsunmistakable image of ice cubes into the stone. Why is the shape, proportions and placement of facets color can make a step, this section is especially popular for fancy colored diamonds. Most of the cuts in other areas rather than light, because the models do not show uniform appearance, color of the stone. For the bright colors of fancy jewelry, the ratio of length to width is closer to that of a square to a rectangle.

The prevention of fly
The style of cut is more lenientDefects and weaknesses that the less sparkling Emerald and Asscher cuts. But, like many unusual shapes, there is a greater chance of having a "bow tie". Known as the "bow tie" effect, this is a dark area in the form of a fly man, that if the angle is not the stone perfectly. This misalignment of facets of brilliance from prejudice, especially when it is too dark or exaggerated effect bow tie. The minimum recommendations for this section are as follows. Remember meThey are approximate and may vary according to personal preference.

Cut - Good Color - G Clarity - VS2 Depth percentage - 58-69% Table percentage - 58-69% Length-width ratio - 1.00 to 1.30 1.00 to 1.50 ea
Radiant Versus Princess
Some may think that one is simply radiant cut diamond princess cut a corner to cut, because this, like some radiant misrepresentation. In the words of Mr Grossbard same: "Nothing could be further from the truth.Cut the corners of a princess, a princess cut corners. It is not a true radiant cut. "The biggest difference between the two is an entirely different light reflecting. From the radiant life of the circular hybrid nature of diamonds that light comes from many angles to it the ability to read in various ways into the stone to reflect. The difference in the reflection of light translated into a piece of jewelry that dazzles with fire. OnOn the other hand, the princesses have a "straight life" and other lines of contrasting light and dark aspects. This is in agreement reflections black and white, so the appearance of a black "X" in the stone. And of course outline is the most obvious difference. Radians can be square or rectangular. They have a soft, elegant appearance as a result of cut corners, they can be taken safely by many poles. Princess cuts are square and usually this leads tostrong geometrical optics. Although this feature allows them to be side channel side, of edges makes it very susceptible to chipping.

In combination with the sleek shape of the emerald cut, and the spark of fire of round brilliant diamonds is the best of both worlds, while sacrificing nothing. This unique jewel hybrid is really a whole section in itself.

The Radiant Cut Diamond - A Stone hybrid with unsurpassed brilliance


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