Designing your own engagement ring - making your unique moment

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Did you know a way to show your boyfriend exactly what it means for you, that says a lot more than any other gift, and even more over time is love? When you design your own engagement ring you can tell a lot more than "Will you marry me?" It 's a way to tell exactly how you feel about them and what it means for you.

Now I know this sounds really daunting, many of you have never looked in a window of the jewelry store, let aloneone foot in one, as you suddenly want to design your own engagement ring?

Diamond Channel-Set

The answer is much simpler than you think.

All you need is an idea of ​​how you feel about your relationship, your girlfriend and an idea of ​​their style. That's it. You will find that practically started here, requires the same ring.

Here are some questions about your relationship to help you along;

Their relationship is an explosive, full of "fire and ice" ora quieter satisfaction? You have "complementary" or if two people are best friends? Your love is something that you know the world through a large display, or something that just feels so natural and right that says more quietly elegant all?

You should start after hearing the type of ring you are, be it a large emerald diamond surrounded by sapphires, rubies or a three stone ring,has a variety of diamonds in his belt or a solitary simple but elegant.

To really do it well, if you design your own engagement ring you should also think about your boyfriend. Since your boyfriend must be worn in the ring for a long time actually, we think of her, her personal style and way of life.


scandalously extravagant with a unique taste? elegant, sophisticated? Eccentric? Conservative?


contribute muchJewels? as jewelry that is practical? only wear jewelry that is special?

Even in their daily lives, you can wear the ring all the time, or would get in the way or have a job where she is allowed to be used for jewelry or if you are wearing the ring could be damaged? If only wear ring limited opportunities so you can use a style that is a bit 'more exciting if she wears every day.

Many couples want their engagement ring together, and selectThis is a fantastic idea. If together you choose to purchase your ring design your engagement ring together is a way to get a ring that truly embody your unique relationship, while ensuring that it will make a comfortable fit.

Their relationship is something incredibly special and many people are searching for decades, before it has to find their ideal partner. She will only buy a design engagement ring once, so their engagement ring and get it right the firstTime.

Designing your own engagement ring - making your unique moment


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